I remember being given a list of side effects for an antipsychotic drug my son’s psychiatrist was recommending. With bone-chilling horror, I read about the possibility of movement disorders, suicide, tachycardia, diabetes, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. I asked myself, “Why would any parent give this drug to their child?” But two weeks later, I did. My son was was deeply depressed and suicidal, and nothing else had helped. My husband and I decided that we had no choice. That drug ultimately saved him.
But how do you know, going in, that a drug experiment won’t end in disaster? You don’t. A new drug trial requires that you and your teen be watchful about any change in symptoms, especially during the first two weeks. Talk to your teen. Explain that the medicine is supposed to bring improvement but that occasionally it can lead to worse symptoms. Let your teen know that if he or she begins to feel more depressed or hopeless that it is probably the medicine and to tell you.
Meanwhile, I do think it’s worth the discomfort of knowing about all the potential side effects. That way, you will know what to expect, and if a side effect appears or the symptoms worsen, you can call the doctor. When I read the list of potential side effects on my son’s prescription, I was new to medication. I didn’t realize that by being watchful and communicating with the doctor you can prevent serious problems. Keep in mind that an undesirable side effect is not necessarily a deal-breaker. Your teen’s psychiatrist may be able to adjust the dosage, the dosing time, or he may temporarily add another medicine to eliminate the side effect until your teen has adjusted to the new medicine.
Being informed and watchful pays big dividends at the outset of a new drug trial. It can minimize the apprehension and help you, your teen, and your doctor establish greater communication and trust as a team. Never give up. A failed drug trial does not mean failure.Think of it as additional information about what works or does not work for your teen. Record it in your teen’s medicine log and move on.
Tags: Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Caregivers, Depression, Managing Symptoms, Medicine, Schizophrenia